Available Units

As of 28 Apr 2024

Units Distribution

Type Name Area (sqft) Available Units Price From
1 Bedroom 05.02 716 1 -
05.03 920 1 -
05.04 786 1 -
05.05 786 1 -
06-20.05 576 15 -
06-20.06 651 15 -
06-30.02 597 25 -
06-30.03 597 25 -
06-30.07 597 25 -
06-30.08 597 25 -
2 Bedroom 05.01 1,249 1 -
06-20.04 985 15 -
06-30.01 866 25 -
06-30.09 856 25 -
21-30.05 1,006 10 -
3 Bedroom 21-30.04 1,340 10 -

Disclaimer: the Eve Tower unit charts displayed here are for your reference only, unit availability is subject to change without prior notice. To get the latest pricing, please register your interest, or WhatsApp us.

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